Thanks for taking notes for our meetings! This is an important way for us to remember key decisions and remember discussions that we can refer to later.

In general, we don’t need word-for-word notes, just the main gist of the discussion, any proposals, a summary of the opinions both supportive and concerns raised, and any decisions and/or next steps/tasks that we came to. Here are some helpful tips below:

Please remember to record the following for each meeting:

  1. Date and type of meeting (Community, Board Meeting, Committee, Retreat, etc.)
  2. Participants: Facilitator, Tech Support, and Notetaker names, members and guests present, quorum or lack thereof
  3. Final agenda with presenters
  4. Summary of all decisions made at the meeting
  5. Notes on each agenda item:
  6. Four Nexts:
  7. Evaluations

Other things to keep in mind:

There are a few things we as a community consensed upon and are good practice:

Note:  I propose removing the following language that was consensed upon many years ago, but seems obsolete now:  “Initial agenda items for the upcoming meeting will be identified at the end of each community meeting, and will be noted in the minutes.”

Closed Session “Hidden” Notes or Member Only Notes

<aside> 📓 “Hidden” Notes is nomenclature leftover from use of the wiki, just referring to notes that should not be publicly viewable on the web.


If you take notes during the closed session, please keep in mind the following: