2008-09-30 Meeting

== Notes from 9/29/8 Community Meeting ==

Agenda Schedule Becca’s greenlight decision: Ann and Aurisha Short stay request approval for Victor R: Angel Decision on Full Membership for Kathy: Thiago Forming Emergency Preparedness Committee: Kathy 115 usage update: Kathy “Consensus pending” decisions when lack of quorum: Kathy Use of wiki for meeting notes: Andrea Announcements Evaluation

Present Facilitator: Brad, Scribe: Kathy, Members: Dave, Ann, Aurisha, Lara, Thiago, Angel, Heather, Joe, Esfandiar, Jimmy, Michelle, Dale. In Process: Becca, Zoe. Guests: Victor R, Maeve. Hot cranberry cookies. Short Stays Maeve and Hunter must leave Ann’s, options discussed. All agreed: Use 111 to store their stuff, stay in 116, move into 210 or 211 once available. Victor introduced, circumstances discussed; has large print collection to store, needs space for living and drawing. Plans to share with a friend after about four months here. Nonmembers departed. Concerns: Open-ended, no clear plan for departure. Many short-stays eating up meeting time; members now in process may need permanent space; other short stays coming during next 4 months. Possible to lodge with Joe if nothing else available; Ann offered storage space after Fred removes his stuff. Cash flow from short stays helpful. Need more rentable space: 111 almost ready; 108 and 109 need work parties, but considerable work to bring up to code. All agreed: Short stay approved. Which unit: bike racked. Everyone returned.

Membership Kathy: Full membership decision. Lara brought up six month residency requirement, which has not been a stated policy but may be included in POG bylaws: Bikeracked. Nonmembers and Kathy departed and returned. Full Membership granted: Yay!

Update on Unit 115 Kathy described current use by herself, Melba, overnight guests, and community. Much cleaning and painting, now habitable; personal and business storage, exercise equipment, commercial kitchen, office space, ground floor deliveries. Plan: replace missing stove, invite guest use, move most activities elsewhere, use bike room for mail, develop other storage options. Would like to stay until about March.

Schedule Becca’s Greenlight Becca introduced: Grad student, “interested” status since July. Greenlight scheduled for October 13.

No-Quorum Policy What to do when no quorum? Conduct business as usual, but next quorum ratify any decisions? (Onus on facilitation teams to ensure items are revisited.) Consense, subject to resolution of any concerns? (Onus on absentees to raise any issues… why have a quorum?) Define classes of decisions that must wait for a quorum? (Membership, policies, space use….) Business as usual, since we trust each other? Adjourn after X minutes? Meet, but avoid making decisions until quorum present? Bikeracked for POG business next week.

Emergency Preparedness Committee Esfandiar, Melba and Kathy have formed a group to work on community preparedness. Plans afoot for fundraising, assembling and storing supplies, and acquiring useful items. Ann signed on.

Internet Privacy and the Wiki Andrea proposed using only first names and last initials on the Wiki, no last names. Consensed. Use password-protected pages for notes? But they are useful to people outside the community; agreed, leave on, but without last names. Notes should be consistently posted to the wiki and the listserv? Yes, agreement. (Those that are missing should be added after redacting last names.) Notes should have standardized format so all include same content? Tutorial or instructions for note-takers would be useful. Notification or warning to people in process (etc.) that their information may be public and individuals may take action if concerned? Andrea will work on redacting last names from Wiki, and on getting old versions of Wiki erased.

