Participants Present: Dani- Earth Snake, 1989/Lara, Metal Tiger, 1950/Ellary Ox, 1989/Jess Monkey/Jimmy- Tiger/Dilean- metal Cock/Nani- Water Pig/Yuki, Earth Rooster/Bruce- Tiger/Becca vb - 1989, metal rooster/Peter- Rabbit/Carol- 1943, Sheep/Rae -1989, Snake/Irma – 1971 PigMichelle – 1971 Metal pig/Questa- Snake/Nils – dragon/Jessica – dog/Aurisha – water Ox, 1973/Philip- tiger, 1960/Paola- Rat, water/Lois – 1937, Ox
Facilitators: Irma & Dani
Interpreters: N/A
Note to notetaker: if there is a policy that was approved, please tag the meeting with the "Policy" tag and post it to the policy page(right now this would still be on the wiki, in the future maybe it will be contained within Notion as well.)
Presentation: Jess B and Jimmy
-Dog policy has been passed. Once the addendum goes through, a form will be shared to be signed for dogs to be fostered in a room.
-Anythings that stuck out last time to be cleared up?
-Not last time, but the time before that Bruce brought up damages that could entail liability. So an item was added, which was the only thing that has been changed since last time we looked at this together.
-Default owner language, so it would be great to see if we could say “owner or foster”
-Jess in response to question: Clarification that the fee would be in addition to security deposit, thereby potentially making it possible to reclaim once the person moves out.
-Dependent on the apartment size, or is anyone able to get a dog no matter what the size?
-Once someone chooses a dog they want to adopt, it has to come to community. If someone brought a 35 lbs. dog (the weight limit), it may be subject to approval depending on living arrangement.