This is the current facilitation schedule for US/TU’s weekly plenary/community meetings. The meeting dates are also visible on the full Coop Calendar page.

Monday Meetings are open both to community members as well as to members of the public as guests, excepting certain closed items which are open to co-op members only.

The Facilitation Committee generally supports in Scheduling, Agenda Planning, Facilitation, Tech Support, and Note Taking for these meetings.

If you are interested in joining the Facilitation Team, please contact the facilitation listserv or reach out to any current active committee member (see below)"></iframe>

<aside> 🗒️ 2023-02-05~ongoing scheduling note: USTU Monday meetings are generally on the 1st & 3rd Monday of each month, except when a holiday or other event interferes with that pattern. Generally no plenary meetings are held on 4th Mondays due to USTU Board meetings happening on Tuesdays of the 4th week.


The most up to date schedule for facilitated meetings can always found on this google doc: USTU Facilitator Schedule. If you notice any errors please flag it to a member of the Facilitation Committee or @Nils-Erik Hilliard who presently volunteers to maintain the schedule.

Last updated: 2024-06-02, by @Nils-Erik Hilliard .