Consensed on 2007-07-02 Meeting


to provide a fair framework for holding each other accountable for upholding our policies and to promote the following eco-village values.

Quorum Requirement:

Policy decisions are made by consensus at a scheduled meeting (such as a Building Committee meeting or Prospective Owners Group meeting) with at least 10 intentional community members present. The quorum of 10 is intended as a temporary placeholder value representing approximately half of the active eco-village intentional community. The value of 10 is intended to be replaced by a percentage as the transition to a cooperative is completed.

Advance Notification:

Policy Agreement Notification and Archiving:

Finalized policies will be publicized and archived electronically and printed copies made available. Policies that need to be observed by residents to be effective will be printed and distributed. Archiving will be done in a manner consistent with the current best practices established by the community. At the time of this policy approval, (July ‘07) that means the policy will be listed on the wiki page for agreements and placed in the Member’s Notebook.

Term of Policy Review:

Review annually.

<aside> 🚧 This page transferred from the old urbansoil wiki on 2024-04-08 @16:11 by Nils H., with only minor changes to formatting.
